Tuesday, March 07, 2006

MSP hopes new website will encourage people to “Get in Touch”

MSP Jamie McGrigor hopes his new website will mean more constituents will get in touch.

Launching http://www.jamiemcgrigormsp.com/, the Conservative MSP said the site would make it easier for him to update people across the Highlands and Islands with his latest news, as well as making it easier for them to raise issues with him.

Jamie McGrigor said “It’s so important that people feel they can contact their local representatives and I hope this new site encourages my constituents to get in touch.

“The new site is designed to make access to information as simple as possible. As well as holding all my latest news, it also has an online diary in which meetings and events I am attending will be published, making it easier for people to see the work I’m doing their area.

“Constituents can also register for Email Updates and this allows me to keep them up to date with the very latest news of what I’m doing and what’s going on at Parliament in general. I’m also hoping to include an online surgery facility soon.

“I hope people will visit the site and contact me with any suggestions as to content and other services, and that this will help me better serve my constituents across the Highlands and Islands”.

Visit the website – http://www.jamiemcgrigormsp.com/